HearthStone corriendo en Android gracias a un port casero
One of the thorns that have many users who love Blizzard and juego HearthStone is that there is still a version compatible with Android. The release date is still set in the distant 2015, so a user has decided to take action on the matter (pun intended) and created their own version. Is Hoang Tran Khanh if a gamer lover MOBA than tired of waiting for a compatible version of the Android operating system he decided to port the game to PC directly to your terminal.
HearthStone corriendo en Android gracias a un port casero
The work was not easy, because many had to deal with compatibility issues and lots of crashes. The result is a fully functional version, and although currently suffering some slowness problems that are far from official game, at least it works. Currently has no problems connecting to servers Blizzard and Battle.net, so for now you can still play boasting HearthStone Android. And the rest of the world? Hoang publish a guide ensures that users can test this Android version soon with that, so you can expect is about to come to an end.

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