The increasing number of CubeSats in space - minisatellites, as they are designed to make school and university teams - could have dire consequences along with an increasing neglect the issue of space debris for all involved. The said space debris expert Hugh Lewis (University of Southampton) on the 65th International Astronautical Congress in Toronto. 
Though in the guidelines for CubeSats would be that they must automatically crash into the Earth's atmosphere within 25 years, many of them would in higher orbits shot, where her life will much longer. More than a third of the hitherto-launched CubeSats(probably 160) are probably more than 25 years remain in orbit and make young scientists happy, do not remember that their creations since 2005 in more than 360,000 cases very close (<5 km) to other space objects fell. 
But Dr. Lewis is a good guy, in his space-WG has any place that exerts a bit. Instead of having the CubeSat to mess -fun, he suggests a cleaning plan: "To reduce the risks, we have to deal more with the growing mini-satellite community all space users, not just the. CubeSat community will, which behave properly, should be supported as you go in order to ultimately promote sustainable behavior and waste prevention activities. "(Photo: Phil Plait / CubeSats over Earth / ( CC BY-SA 2.0 )

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