Pretty scary story, what Chris Hamby told at BuzzFeed. Accordingly, an official of the American drug Behöre DEA set up a fake profile that he filled with pictures and info of a friend of a suspect - probably to get to information obtained from the environment of the suspect. example, it was from this fake profile from a friend request to the (then volatile) suspects sent The woman herself was only a marginal figure, she offered the suspect property. The more surprised she was when she suddenly told friends of their Facebook profile - she had never opened one. now sued the woman against this practice. The defendant Department of Justice insists on the assumption that a federal official had the right to represent the woman on the net. The confiscation of the phone and the images and their subsequent post was legal - although there's some even had erotic pictures and images of her son and her niece. Luckily, that's what cops are allowed to do with Facebook, quite strictly regulated in Germany . 

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