Speaking Tanaka, president of KDDI, "the net Tanaka professional "", even in its ownGajetta geek is a person that does not hesitation in profess ". The "last year that you want to talk some Engadget editing unit "as was called to the company. I heard digging roots digging leaf strategies for au to just chance it. In the interview, and that Firefox OS is a project of the present progressive form, and told the views of the United States to all-you-can-Softbank and mention, to the Tizen OS. (Interview to KDDI President Tanaka is five below) 


Please tell us about Firefox OS: Engadget. Previously it is hinted the introduction of smartphone It is a place, but it does not see the movement to say put out. What do you think about the possibility Toka marketable? 

: KDDI president Takashi Tanaka, I do not think such a thing. But it does not make something terminal If I think of it (laughs). Engadget: that is, whether good fun, is it??: KDDI president Takashi Tanaka is so. I'm have wanted to do it Once in a way that was completely different. It's so, I please come out to the events of Mozilla, because we leave on October 5. Well: Engadget! : KDDI president Takashi Tanaka It does not matter because will contact you separately, even me refused. 


Engadget: Please let me continue with the interview, because it upset anyway (laughs). Initially, Firefox OS with Tizen OS came out as a motion for a new platform, T iZen impression that has been forced to stand in a pretty tight situationI'm. 

KDDI president Takashi Tanaka: DoCoMo's, why would Hey did I quit. The'm I do not think I was doing it when I think of such a thing Toka marketable. Well, of which so are considering a different way. It was telling me that it "would like to do some places useless but fun, things like" in an interview last year Speaking: Engadget. Editor's note: events that were in the remarks of President Tanaka " Mozilla Open Web Day in Tokyo things ". There is approached in this interview, participation of Engadget was decided to talk session of KDDI. 


Engadget: by changing the topic in, Softbank American all-you-can- please let impressions about. 

The: KDDI president Takashi Tanaka It 's has been doing range that get imagination, that Na would be so. I was wondering do you Uchikaeso immediately the next day, but I since there is a little more story here. Engadget: I think I succeeded in impression with that service, Softbank will be unique. However, although I think other companies kana can follow in contents and if you think that you try to do. KDDI president Takashi Tanaka: Yeah, I can. I do can respond immediately if you think that you try to do the impact of funds because few, but this also is where feeling a little different, I can not say, but you are considering various. Thank you: Engadget.

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