Samsung demonstrates its Note 4 does not suffer 'Bendgate' (although another bad)
Samsung wants you to be clear one thing: the Galaxy Note 4 is not bent . For you believe it has prepared a video where you can see how the terminal brand overcomes a series of pressure tests, and some with enough weight. They are very similar to those we had seen once before, but now we can see such as Note 4 supports 25 kilos of pressure at three different points. What's more, Samsung includes a test that simulates the time when 100 kilos a person sits on the terminal, so we're not talking about simple robotic movements.According to the company, the terminal is able to withstand these tests thanks to the metal frame and magnesium base.

But it seems that the terminal may have a different problem to the famous Bendgate .South Korea is already on the phone to sell, and several users have discovered that the terminal suffers a small opening in the frame of the screen wide enough to enter a credit card. The most surprising thing is that this peculiarity is perfectly reflected in the user manual of the terminal, so it looks like it will be something that holders Note 4 must learn to live.
Apparently, this gap is a necessary feature in the manufacturing process that can eventually expand, imagine reaching levels that have alerted users. In Samsung have been quick to comment on this, and ensure that opening does not affect the performance or quality of the terminal, as they ensure that the phone maintains the strict standards of assembly and quality control. We'll see what happens when the terminal begins to reach other markets.

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