The next clock LG will be based on WebOS
After passing through the TV , LG wants to continue to demonstrate that WebOS is still alive and kicking. Again, the manufacturer seems to be interested in giving use the operating system (for something you bought, obviously) and it seems that the next device will be a smartwatch do. The web developer brand has hung briefly images where encouraged to download a new development kit for Smartwatchs with WebOS , a package with which developers could begin preparing applications for the platform facing a future release .
The web has disappeared, and there are no details that might provide clues about the device, so we have to wait for future presentations of the brand. What is clear is we have two manufacturers (LG and Samsung) have opted for an alternative to Android Wear, something that certainly will not make you too much grace to Google. Hopefully these releases unless encourage the Mountain View to outline more your operating system, and that we have to add the imminent arrival of Apple Watch.

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