If a smartwatch for excellence, that's Pebble. The clock has won for his seniority and his way of doing things, a place in our geeky little heart, so that nothing can make us more excited in today to tell you that the price has dropped. And in both versions as well. Both the "original" Pebble as the model Steel look now labels more attractive, 100 and $ 200, respectively, the change represents a payout of 79 and 158 euros.
A price cut as well and right now, you may well make you think that you are not eating a thread, however, the CEO of the firm, Eric Migicovsky, said its sales are stronger than ever and growing your ecosystem continues. What could then be the reason for this generous cut?
According Migicovsky, the company wants to offer the right price for the product and to represent adequately the Pebble watches over the competition. And is that both the market model, Pebble want to play your cards right and add to your list of benefits (which are already a long autonomy and multiplatform profile) a more competitive cost-not forget that the holidays are around the corner.
The price drop is not the only novelty that bring these smartwatches. Pebble has updated their software to fix an important aspect of monitoring activity. And is that so far the available applications dedicated to it could not be continuously recording our movements because the clock could not be running in the background, something that finally has been fixed with the new firmware package. This proposal will bring new insurance applications to control our lives day and night, as you have already acknowledged that prepare Misfit or Swim. It was definitely an interesting and necessary step towards being more complete address this competition that so worries.
Read you be no doubt of the good health of the firm, the company has even used this announcement to warn that the expansion continues and now also have presence in the UK, Scandinavia and Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) . Well, I said.There Pebble for awhile.

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