Arrested the CEO of mobile spyware StealthGenie
Following the revelations of the case Snowden seems ironic that the United States government to detain someone to develop spyware, but that's exactly what just happened. The CEO of the developer of the application StealthGenie just been arrested on charges that include "promoting a hidden monitoring device" and "selling a device to spy." This is because, as it must, to spy applications are not legal (at least in USA and under certain specific rules, such as using devices outside).
StealthGenie is software available for iOS devices, Android and BlackBerry that enables full and complete access to information envidad view and from mobile phones. With this software a person can see from the company site device location, listen to telephone conversations and turn the microphone at any time, look at the internet history, read text messages, iMessage and WhatsApp, copy photos, and much more. A video of the company (available below) indicates that the software can not be detected, is used to spy on family and employees, and has over 100,000 satisfied customers.
If those numbers are true, business is pretty good suspicion. Nevertheless, it may be more advisable to focus on developing software that is not prohibited by law.

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