Before the release of the iPhone, the development team was two divided: one worked with a fake surface at the real hardware, the other with a fake hardware on real UI. This was later than with this exciting products from Co.Design known - unfortunately there were never many pictures of these fakes. The Next Web now believes, however, that you at Ebay as a Skankphone has fallen into the hands of, at least someone who just sold a Skankphone ( even online ) . What exactly is behind the ad, is of course uncertain. The description says only "Full Operational, extremely rare iPhone 2G prototype. Thereupon runs Apple's internal test software Switchboard." On a second auction sold one or that "TheApplePerson" but still a test version of the iPad Mini with Switch Board software - as well superrar. Whether The Next Web, however, should really pleased so? As long as the devices no one holds in his hands, of course, is completely unclear if it is not to Fakes: The Switchboard / Skankphone firmware already existed since 2009 for download .Picture Galleries & Switchboard Video after the break . 

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