After their separation Sony VAIO rebirth was a little decaffeinated . Surely you remember his press conference, more characterized by formalism and neutrality of a team that rebranded novel or promising environment. Things have changed now though. Not that VAIO invented the wheel or anything, but at least the house has dared to launch a completely free of the influence of computer Sony. This is the prototype that you see on these lines, a hybrid 12.3-inch tablet should not fall below 200,000 yen ($ 1,800 / 1,420 euros to change) and is directed at all the usual public that Sony had their goal.
Instead, this hybrid is intended for illustrators, photographers and other professionals who require and appreciate a device with 12.3-inch screen resolution of 2,560 x 1,704 pixels, accompanied by stylus and quad-core Intel Haswell graphics Iris inside -imaginamos now understand better price.
WSJ VAIO has recognized that it is following the tactics of Panasonic in Japan, that is, offer durable high-end equipment to the appropriate users (those who are willing to pay, go). We'll see if the play works so big you when this device goes on sale in May next year.

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