We suspected that behind the purchase of Minecraft by Microsoft had a hidden interest. Today our suspicions have been confirmed. Microsoft is preparing a new version of Minecraft will be possible to play from the popular office suite Microsoft Office.
This is a simplified version with fewer materials but retains the essence of the popular game. A brilliant strategy that puts the Redmond company ahead of alternatives like LibreOffice, Numbers, and Google Docs and will serve at the same time to introduce new generations in the exciting world of spreadsheets ....
Quiet: of course, this is an ingenious and elaborate hoax created by SethBling. The spreadsheet used for the demo can be downloaded from this website . Just do need Microsoft Excel to "run" the game and so far in our tests have failed to move the character, although advanced users of Excel being said, we are not (have to enable editing and macros and press " Enable WASD "). If you succeed, tell us below. Below, the creator of the invention, showing how it works.  

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